Wednesday, May 12, 2010



What's your fitness motivation?

Some thrive on competitions......some need a reward or consequence. Do you work out harder when your expected to......a class? a running club? a trainer? What about goals & tasks?? Do you do better when you have a plan and get organized? Is it acheivement or self satisfaction? WHAT IS IT THAT YOU ULTIMATLY WANT? Confidence? A medal? self respect?

Find what sparks your fitness motivation energy and go with it.

What drives you at work? Reward? Money? Self Purpose? What ever it is .....try the same motivation for your fitness.

Set a vacation.....join a running club.....take a class .... get a trainer..... get a fitness planner......tell a friend what works for you .... get your measurements taken.......test your body fat........write down a short term and long term goal ......make a a fitness magazine.......go to a resort with fitness classes.........try on a swim suit.........start a fitness club.......get certified and teach fitness........workout with someone stronger than you...... register for an event or even 3 or 4 in a row........pick someone (your dog?) that needs your help and plan a routine for them.

Hows your fitness routine look 1 year from now?....or 5 or 10 years from now? What about when your 80 years old?

No matter what your motivation is.......Go with it. Either way, your changing your long-term goals and possibly motivating those around you in the process.

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